Are you a person with a disability looking to get involved?
Are you concerned about the rights of people with disabilities?
Looking to do grassroots advocacy work?

Then the Statewide System’s Advocacy Network is for you! We are a group of advocates from around the state who work together to get legislation passed to benefit people with disabilities and to protect our civil rights. We rely heavily on volunteers to make our advocacy efforts more effective. That is where you come in. You can play an important role in the fight for rights of people with disabilities by joining this group and making your voice heard. As an advocate you can get as involved as you would like to with the network. Some people prefer to do all of their advocacy work via the computer. However, others of us also meet about once a month. Those people can also go to policy meetings. There are opportunities for us to go to Albany together as well to meet with legislatures. Everyone is welcome to do as much or as little as they have time for.
If you are interested in getting involved with the Statewide Systems Advocacy Network, please contact WDOMI directly @ 914-968-4717