By Mel Tanzman, Executive Director On Wednesday March 19, 2014, members of Rochester ADAPT, a national disability rights group fighting for the rights of all people with disabilities to live in the community, initiated an occupation of the offices of the New York State Nurses Association in Albany NY. The...

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Staying Safe in an Emergency

By Rob Cicoria CDPAP Peer Counselor WDOMI wants all of our consumers, self-directing, designated representatives, personal assistants and their loved ones to stay safe these coming winter months and all year around. Included in this article are some of the basic steps people often forget when a pending, dangerous storm...

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How do YOU adapt/handle “change” and “challenges”

Submitted by Claudia Slater                            Director of Development and Public Affairs                                                               During my short journey called “life” I developed a disability early on in the adult stage of life. I have come to accept that every day will be fraught with change(s) and challenge(s) with respect to my disability. In...

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Consumer Directed Personal Assistant Program (CDPAP)

Submitted by Rob Cicoria, Consumer Advocate The Medicaid funded Consumer-Directed Personal Assistant Program (CDPAP) began around 1970 in New York City, when disabled people who needed high-level care revolted against being involuntarily being put in nursing homes – – their civil rights to the pursuit of happiness were being infringed...

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For the Children of Newtown

  On December 14, 2012 Newtown, CT was transformed into a place of real violence and blood and mayhem. It was on this day at the Newtown elementary school where 20 children died and six adults lost their lives trying to protect them. I could not comprehend what had happened....

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